MongoDB Drivers
In this post I am going to explore how to use MongoDB in your application.
The MongoDB Shell (mongosh) is great, but generally you will need to use MongoDB in your application. To do this, MongoDB has many language drivers.
The language drivers allow you to interact with your MongoDB database using the methods you’ve learned so far in `mongosh` but directly in your application.
These are the current officially supported drivers:
There are other community supported libraries as well.
Let’s see how to use the drivers using Node.js
Node.js Database Interaction
For this tutorial, we will use a MongoDB Atlas database. If you don’t already have a MongoDB Atlas account, you can create one for free at MongoDB Atlas.
We will also use the “sample_mflix” database loaded from our sample data in my previous post section Sending a Data API Request
MongoDB Node.js Driver Installation
To use MongoDB with Node.js, you will need to install the mongodb
package in your Node.js project.
Use the following command in your terminal to install the mongodb
npm install mongodb added 14 packages, and audited 46 packages in 3s 2 packages are looking for funding run `npm fund` for details
Run the following:
C:\Users\default1> npm fund default1 `-- | `-- bootstrap@5.2.2 `-- `-- @popperjs/core@2.11.6
We can now use this package to connect to a MongoDB database.
Create an index.js
file in your project directory.
Connection String
In order to connect to our MongoDB Atlas database, we’ll need to get our connection string from the Atlas dashboard.
- Go to Database then click the CONNECT button on your Cluster.
2. Choose Connect your application and select Drivers, and choose Node.js
3. In your project folder install mongodb:
npm install mongodb
4. Add your connection string into your application code
then copy your connection string.
Example: mongodb+srv://mehzan07:<password>
You will need to replace the <password>
, and <cluster>
with your MongoDB Atlas, password, and cluster string.
5. Press to View full code to show full code
6. copy the code and add to your Index file as following:
Connecting to MongoDB
In the index file change the password to your password
const { MongoClient, ServerApiVersion } = require('mongodb');
const uri = "mongodb+srv://mehzan07:<password>";
// Create a MongoClient with a MongoClientOptions object to set the Stable API version
const client = new MongoClient(uri, {
serverApi: {
version: ServerApiVersion.v1,
strict: true,
deprecationErrors: true,
async function run() {
try {
// Connect the client to the server (optional starting in v4.7)
await client.connect();
// Send a ping to confirm a successful connection
await client.db("admin").command({ ping: 1 });
console.log("Pinged your deployment. You successfully connected to MongoDB!");
} finally {
// Ensures that the client will close when you finish/error
await client.close();
Run this file in your terminal.
node index.js
the result is as following image:
In case of error, maybe you need run the following:
npm install -g mongodb
CRUD & Document Aggregation
Just as we did using mongosh
, we can use the MongoDB Node.js language driver to create, read, update, delete, and aggregate documents in the database.
Expanding on the previous example, we can replace the collection.findOne()
with find()
, insertOne()
, insertMany()
, updateOne()
, updateMany()
, deleteOne()
, deleteMany()
, or aggregate()
Add the following code after: “// Add CRUD functions here” to insert a document:
/ get db and collection then findOne
const db = client.db('sample_mflix');
const collection = db.collection('movies');
// Insert document in the collection
const insertResult = await collection.insertMany([{ a: 1 }, { a: 2 }, { a: 3 }]);
console.log('Inserted documents =>', insertResult);
The new index file shall be as following:
const { MongoClient, ServerApiVersion } = require('mongodb');
const uri = "mongodb+srv://";
// Create a MongoClient with a MongoClientOptions object to set the Stable API version
const client = new MongoClient(uri, { serverApi: { version: ServerApiVersion.v1, strict: true, deprecationErrors: true, } });
async function run()
// Connect the client to the server (optional starting in v4.7)
await client.connect();
// Send a ping to confirm a successful connection
await client.db("admin").command({ ping: 1 });
console.log("Pinged your deployment. You successfully connected to MongoDB!");
// Add CRUD functions here
// get db and collection then findOne
const db = client.db('sample_mflix');
const collection = db.collection('movies');
// Insert document in the collection
const insertResult = await collection.insertMany([{ a: 1 }, { a: 2 }, { a: 3 }]);
console.log('Inserted documents =>', insertResult);
// Ensures that the client will close when you finish/error
await client.close();
Run the new index.js file
node index.js
Result shall be:
Add the following code instead of insert code:
// Find the first document in the collection
const first = await collection.findOne();
The new index.js file:
const { MongoClient, ServerApiVersion } = require('mongodb');
const uri = "mongodb+srv://";
// Create a MongoClient with a MongoClientOptions object to set the Stable API version
const client = new MongoClient(uri, { serverApi: { version: ServerApiVersion.v1, strict: true, deprecationErrors: true, } });
async function run()
// Connect the client to the server (optional starting in v4.7)
await client.connect();
// Send a ping to confirm a successful connection
await client.db("admin").command({ ping: 1 });
console.log("Pinged your deployment. You successfully connected to MongoDB!");
// Add CRUD functions here
// get db and collection then findOne
const db = client.db('sample_mflix');
const collection = db.collection('movies');
// Find the first document in the collection
const first = await collection.findOne();
// Ensures that the client will close when you finish/error
await client.close();
run the new index.js file
node index.js
Result shall be:
You can test with update, delete in a little change in the above code.
In this post I have explored MongoDB drivers, and descried Node.js drivers, and how to install MongoDB Node.js Driver, connection string and how to connect to MongoDB.
My Next post describes MongoDB Charts, how to create Charts from dashboard
This post is part of MongoDB-Step by step