MongoDB Charts
In this post we are going to explore MongoDB Charts
MongoDB Charts is a tool to create visual representations of your MongoDB data. Data visualization is a key component to providing a clear understanding of your data, highlighting correlations between variables and making it easy to discern patterns and trends within your dataset. MongoDB Charts makes communicating your data a straightforward process by providing built-in tools to easily share and collaborate on visualizations.
- Aggregation Functionality
- MongoDB Charts provides built-in aggregation functionality. Aggregation allows you to process your collection data by a variety of metrics and perform calculations such as mean and standard deviation to provide further insight into your data.
- Seamless Integration with MongoDB Atlas
- Charts provides seamless integration with MongoDB Atlas. You can link MongoDB Charts to Atlas projects and quickly get started visualizing your Atlas cluster data.
- Document Data Handling
- Charts handles document-based data, including embedded objects and arrays. Utilizing a nested data structure provides the flexibility to structure your data as it best fits for your application while still retaining powerful visualization capabilities.
The following elements of MongoDB Charts provide the flow of data from its source to a visual representation:
A MongoDB collection or charts view that contains the data you want to visualize. For information on connecting to and managing a data source, see Data Sources.
A visualization which maps to a single data source.
A group of one or more charts.
Dashboards are the cornerstone of MongoDB Charts as they are where you create and view your data visualizations. For details on how to create, manage, and share dashboards, see Dashboards.
NOTE: Since a chart can only display data from a single collection, dashboards which combine multiple charts are not only useful, but necessary for visualizing data from multiple collections in a single view. This can lead to new insights into your data which may not be immediately apparent.
Chart Types
MongoDB Charts provides a wide variety of chart types to visualize your data including bar charts, scatter plots, geospatial charts, and more.
For a complete list of available chart types, see Chart Types.
MongoDB Charts Setup
- Login to MongoDB and from the MongoDB Atlas dashboard,
- Go to the Chart tab.
- If you haven’t any dashboard created then you see : “Organize your chart with a dashboard”
- Press to the Add Dashboard button
- Ghive a name and description for your Dashboard (e.g. Mehdashboard)
- Add Chart button
- Then gives you following GUI:
In this chart I have give: Bin size: 1, Aggregate: count,
In this post I have explored MongoDB Charts, described Features, Concept, Cjart types and how to Setup and create charts in a dashboard.
My Next post describes MongoDB Provider for Entity Framework Core
This post is part of MongoDB-Step by step