Clone DevOps project to Visual Studio
1- Open visual Studio 2022 and then choose: Clone a Repository
2- Under Browse a Repository, select Azure DevOps
3- In the right side, under: Showing hosted repositories for: Select your Microsoft account (for me )
4- then under type here … you can find a tree like following:
mehzan07 (organisation name)
ProductMicroservice (Project name)
ProductMicroservice (Repos project)
See figuer in the following figure url: how-to-start-azure-devops-boards-2.png (459×657)
5- Select your Repos project name (for me, ProductMicroservice ) and then in the bottom, you see: Clone locally at(….)
6- Press to this and choose a local directory to Clone the project for development
7- under this you se Connect button, Then Press to this then project shall be opened for development.
8- If it is not possible to compile or run the project, you can reopen it locally then it shall be worked.
Now we have a DevOps project (ProductMicroservice) both in devops repo and in visual studio and we can create Issues, tasks, we can work with dem. and both are in development branch.
The next post is How to sync from Visual Studio to Azure DevOps and GitHub at the same time
How to clone azure-devops project to Visula Studio
This post is part of Azure DevOps Agile Boards step by step