DockerFile and docker-compose file
What is Docker?
Docker is the most popular container technology. It is written in Go and open-source. A container can contain a Windows or Linux application and will run the same, no matter where you start it. This means it runs the same way during development, on the testing environment, and on the production environment. This eliminates the famous “It works on my machine”.
What is Dockerhub?
Dockerhub is like GitHub for Docker containers. You can sign up for free and get unlimited public repos and one private repo. There are also enterprise plans which give you more private repos, build pipelines for your containers and security scanning.
To Dockerize an application means that you create a Docker container or at least a Dockerfile which describes how to create the container. You can upload the so-called container image to container registries like Dockerhub so other developers can easily download and run it.
How to Dockerize the Microservices
Visual Studio makes it super easy to dockerize your application. All you have to do it to right-click on the API project and then select Add –> Docker Support.
This opens a new window where you can select Linux or Windows as OS for the container. I am always going for Linux as my default choice because the image is way smaller than Windows and therefore starts faster. Also, all my other containers run on Linux and on Docker Desktop, you can only run containers with the same OS at a time. After clicking OK, the Dockerfile and .dockerignore files are added. That’s all you have to do to dockerize the application.
Dockerfile and .dockerignore Files
The .dockerignore file is like the .gitignore file and contains extensions and paths which should not be copied into the container. Default extensions in the .dockerignore file are .vs, /bin or /obj. The .dockerignore file is not required to dockerize your application but highly recommended.
The Dockerfile
The Dockerfile is a set of instructions to build and run an image. Visual Studio creates a multi-stage Dockerfile which means that it builds the application but only adds necessary files and images to the container image. The Dockerfile uses the .NET Core SDK to build the image but uses the way smaller .NET Core runtime image inside of the container. Let’s take a look at the different stages of the Dockerfile.
#See to understand how Visual Studio uses this Dockerfile to build your images for faster debugging.
FROM AS base
FROM AS build
COPY ["ProductMicroservice/ProductMicroservice/ProductMicroservice.csproj", "ProductMicroservice/ProductMicroservice/"]
#COPY ["ProductMicroservice/ProductMicroservice.csproj", "ProductMicroservice/ProductMicroservice/"]
RUN dotnet restore "ProductMicroservice/ProductMicroservice/ProductMicroservice.csproj"
#RUN dotnet restore "ProductMicroservice/ProductMicroservice.csproj"
COPY . .
WORKDIR "/src/ProductMicroservice/ProductMicroservice"
RUN dotnet build "ProductMicroservice.csproj" -c Release -o /app/build
FROM build AS publish
RUN dotnet publish "ProductMicroservice.csproj" -c Release -o /app/publish
FROM base AS final
COPY --from=publish /app/publish .
ENTRYPOINT ["dotnet", "ProductMicroservice.dll"]
Description of different stage of Dockerfile:
Line: 3 to line 6:
The first part downloads the .NET Core runtime 6 image from Docker hub and gives it the name base which will be used later on. Then it sets the working directory to /app which will also be later used. Lastly, the ports 80 and 443 are exposed which tells Docker to listen to these two ports when the container is running.
From line : 8 to line: 17
The next section downloads the .NET Core 6 SDK from Dockerhub and names it build. Then the working directory is set to /src and all project files (except test projects) of the solution are copied inside the container. Then dotnet restore is executed to restore all NuGet packages and the working directory is changed to the directory of the API project. Note that the path starts with /src, the working directory path I set before I copied the files inside the container. Lastly, dotnet build is executed which builds the project with the Release configuration into the path /app/build
From line: 19 to line 20
The build image in the first line of the next section is the SDK image which we downloaded before and named build. We use it to run dotnet publish which publishes the CustomerApi project.
From line:22 to line 25:
The last section uses the runtime image and sets the working directory to /app. Then the published files from the last step are copied into the working directory. The dot means that it is copied to your current location, therefore /app. The Entrypoint command tells Docker to configure the container as an executable and to run the CustomerApi.dll when the container starts.
For more details on the Dockerfile and .dockerignore file check out the official documentation
In this post we have talked about Dockerfile, Dockerhub, .dockerignore Files and Dockerize the Microservices in Visual Studio.
In next post I am going to describe Docker commands to build image, push image to Docker hub, pull from docker hub.
This post is part of Docker step by step