AI App for a basic health check
In this post I am demonstrate a simple basic health check in AI with Python.
simple console-based Python application that asks the user some questions related to their symptoms and provides a basic diagnosis based on their answers. Keep in mind that this is just a simple example for demonstration purposes and should not be used as a substitute for professional medical advice.
Create the App in python
Open an empty python file and copy and paste the following code to your file (e.g.
# a basic health check in python language: def main(): print("Welcome to the Health Diagnosis App!") print("Please answer the following questions to help us understand your symptoms.\n") symptoms = [] # Ask questions about symptoms print("Do you have a fever? (yes/no)") fever = input().lower() if fever == "yes": symptoms.append("fever") print("Do you have a cough? (yes/no)") cough = input().lower() if cough == "yes": symptoms.append("cough") print("Do you have difficulty breathing? (yes/no)") breathing_difficulty = input().lower() if breathing_difficulty == "yes": symptoms.append("breathing difficulty") print("Do you have body aches? (yes/no)") body_aches = input().lower() if body_aches == "yes": symptoms.append("body aches") print("Do you have a sore throat? (yes/no)") sore_throat = input().lower() if sore_throat == "yes": symptoms.append("sore throat") print("Do you have fatigue? (yes/no)") fatigue = input().lower() if fatigue == "yes": symptoms.append("fatigue") # Provide diagnosis based on symptoms print("\nBased on your symptoms, you may have the following conditions:") if len(symptoms) == 0: print("No specific condition identified. Please consult a healthcare professional for further evaluation.") else: for symptom in symptoms: if symptom == "fever" and "cough" in symptoms and "breathing difficulty" in symptoms: print("- You may have symptoms of COVID-19. It is recommended to get tested and consult a doctor.") print(" Tips: Self-isolate, rest, and hydrate. Monitor your symptoms closely.") break elif symptom == "fever" and "cough" in symptoms: print("- You may have symptoms of flu. Rest and hydrate, and consider seeing a doctor if symptoms worsen.") print(" Tips: Stay hydrated, get plenty of rest, and consider over-the-counter flu medications.") break elif symptom == "fever": print("- You may have a fever. Monitor your temperature and consider taking fever-reducing medication.") print(" Tips: Get plenty of rest, drink fluids, and take fever-reducing medication if necessary.") break elif symptom == "cough": print("- You may have a common cold. Rest and hydrate, and consider over-the-counter cough medicine.") print(" Tips: Drink warm liquids, use a humidifier, and get plenty of rest.") break elif symptom == "breathing difficulty": print("- You may be experiencing breathing difficulties. Seek medical attention immediately.") print(" Tips: Call emergency services or visit the nearest emergency room for immediate evaluation.") break elif symptom == "sore throat": print("- You may have a sore throat. Gargle with warm salt water and rest your voice.") print(" Tips: Drink warm liquids, suck on throat lozenges, and avoid irritants like smoke and pollution.") break elif symptom == "fatigue": print("- You may be experiencing fatigue. Get plenty of rest and try to reduce stress.") print(" Tips: Establish a regular sleep schedule, engage in light exercise, and eat a balanced diet.") break else: print("No specific condition identified. Please consult a healthcare professional for further evaluation.") if __name__ == "__main__": main()
Run the App
Start command line prompt and run the app as follow:
python path/ then asks your some questions as following:
PS C:\Utvecklingprogram\OpenAI\health-check> python .\
Welcome to the Health Diagnosis App!
Please answer the following questions to help us understand your symptoms.
Do you have a fever? (yes/no)
Do you have a cough? (yes/no)
Do you have difficulty breathing? (yes/no)
Do you have body aches? (yes/no)
Based on your symptoms, you may have the following conditions:
- You may have symptoms of flu. Rest and hydrate, and consider seeing a doctor if symptoms worsen.
PS C:\Utvecklingprogram\OpenAI\health-check>
Source code can be found in my Github
This is a very basic app and doesn’t cover all possible symptoms or conditions. Additionally, it’s crucial to remind users that this app is not a substitute for professional medical advice, and if they have any concerns about their health, they should consult with a healthcare professional.
This post is part of AI (Artificial Intelligence) step by step